The Summary section of the Time And Money document provides
you with an overview of key identifiers and indication of award content to help
you distinguish one award within the hierarchy from the others. It
contains read-only fields with data provided from other sections or
sources. Fields marked with an * contain required information. The
Award ID, Sponsor ID, Award Status, Award Title, Award Type, Activity Type,
Sponsor ID, and Project End Date fields always display data because they are
required fields. Other fields in the section only display data if your
institution has entered it for this Award.
Figure 915 Time And Money Document – Summary Section Example
The following four subsections display a high-level summary of data for the selected Award document in the current hierarchy. Details include key identifiers and classifications for the award as well as indicators of the presence of data in some award screens.
Table 413 Time And Money Document – Summary Section Subsection Descriptions
Subsection label (& subtopic link) |
Short Description |
Basic identifying information about the award. | |
Project and obligation dates and cumulative amounts. | |
Which portions of the award or actions related to the award are complete or incomplete. | |
The PI, other investigators, and their units. |