The Protocol Tab is by default the first page displayed upon creating a new Protocol document or accessing an existing one. It includes tabbed folders for entry and selection of information that is fundamental to the protocol.
Figure 630 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Sections Layout
Table 267 Protocol Document, Protocol Page - Section Descriptions
Section Name & Topic Link |
Short Description |
Minimum identifying information that must be entered before the Protocol can be saved in KC IRB | |
Customizable identifying fields for studies involving investigational drugs or devices | |
Listing of each local organization where the research will be conducted | |
Types of funds and the sponsors involved | |
Categorical listing of specific types of participants involved as research subjects | |
At-a-glance view of the state the document is in,and when it was last updated |
* The and
buttons in the upper right corner allow users to open and close all folders on the page at once for easy readability.