The “Person Name” section displays the details associated with the person selected, and provides information from either the HR feed for employees or Rolodex database for non-employees, allowing for further modification to fields that are either editable or selectable.
Figure 177 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Person Section Layout Depicting Subsections
box: Used for deletion. Click to select this person and then
click the
button at the
bottom of the page to delete the person.
• Name display: The person’s first and last names appear as text within the tab.
• Role display: The person’s research role for the proposal is displayed in lighter gray text in the middle of the tab.
Hide/Show button: Used to
open/close details from display within the tabbed section of the
page. Click to cause subsections appear or
disappear from view.
Table 71 Proposal Development Document > Key Personnel Page > Person Section – Subsection Descriptions
Subsection |
Description |
Person Details |
Name, address, phone, and basic education information from the Person document for the selected individual. |
Extended Details (Optional) |
This field provides an opportunity to complete additional information about the Principal Investigator, Co-Investigator, or Key Persons (if opted in). Completion of this field is optional and none of the information is pre-populated from other IU enterprise wide systems. If the proposal is a System-to-System submission check the guidelines to evaluate whether any of these fields populate the specific forms. |
Degrees |
Selection and entry of degree information. |
Unit Details |
Organizational Unit selection and addition. |
Proposal Person Certification |
Certification questions (conflict of interest, financial disclosure, etc.) with Yes/No answer selection. |