This form provides information on persons that are NOT the Principal Investigator.
Senior/Key Person
Proposal: Investigator/Key Persons screen(s):
Persons who will be listed are all Co-Investigators and Key Persons with the Proposal Role: Collaborator.
Type of NASA Co-I |
KC person |
Co-I |
Co-Investigator (Employee/KcPerson Lookup) |
Co-I/Science PI |
not used, no applicable KC person type |
Co-I/Institutional PI |
Co-Investigator (Non-employee/Non-Organizational Rolodex Lookup) |
Co-I/Co-PI (non-U.S. organization only) |
Co-Investigator (Foreign Non-employee/Non-Organizational Rolodex Lookup). Use the sponsor from the rolodex record to determine if foreign. If no sponsor, check the person’s country field in the rolodex address. Note: to determine if sponsor is foreign, use sponsor type. To determine if country is foreign, anything other than USA, PRI, VIR. |
Collaborator |
Key Person whose role is ‘Collaborator’ (not case sensitive) |
Is this person participating in this project as an employee of the U.S. Government?
If the person is from the rolodex, check the sponsor type of the rolodex sponsor. If it is federal (code 0) US Government YES is checked. Otherwise, No is checked.
If yes, select U.S. government agency.
Answering this question requires a sponsor hierarchy named "Government Agency". If no sponsor hierarchy is found with this name, nothing will be populated in this field.
If Yes, enter total dollar amount requested: Not required; thus not populating.
Is this person participating in this project as an employee of a foreign organization? Use the sponsor code from the rolodex record to determine if foreign. If no sponsor, check the person’s country field in the rolodex address.
Statement of Commitment Upload Proposal Personnel Narrative: Statement of Commitment. There can be only one attachment of this type per person.
Budget Details Upload Proposal Personnel Narrative: Budget Details allows for multiple attachments. . There can be only one attachment of this type per person.
The values of the government agencies are enumerated in the schema and are as follows.
"101: Agency for International Development"
"102: Air Force Research Laboratory"
"103: Army Research Laboratory"
"104: Center for Disease Control and Prevention"
"105: Coast Guard"
"106: Customs Service"
"107: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency"
"108: Department of Agriculture (USDA)"
"109: Department of Commerce (DOC)"
"110: Department of Defense (DOD)"
"111: Department of Education (ED)"
"112: Department of Energy (DOE)"
"113: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)"
"114: Department of Homeland Security (DHS)"
"115: Department of Justice (DOJ)"
"116: Department of State (DOS)"
"117: Department of the Air Force"
"118: Department of the Army"
"119: Department of the Interior (DOI)"
"120: Department of the Navy"
"121: Department of Transportation (DOT)"
"122: Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)"
"123: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)"
"124: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)"
"125: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)"
"126: Federal Maritime Commission"
"127: Fish and Wildlife Service"
"128: Forest Service"
"129: NASA Ames Research Center"
"130: NASA Dryden Flight Research Center"
"131: NASA Glenn Research Center"
"132: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center"
"133: NASA Headquarters"
"134: NASA Johnson Space Center"
"135: NASA Kennedy Space Center"
"136: NASA Langley Research Center"
"137: NASA Marshall Space Flight Center"
"138: NASA Stennis Space Center"
"139: National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)"
"140: National Institutes of Health (NIH)"
"141: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)"
"142: National Park Service"
"143: National Science Foundation (NSF)"
"144: Naval Observatory"
"145: Naval Research Laboratory"
"146: Other"
"147: Smithsonian Institution"
"148: United States Geological Survey (USGS)"
"149: United States Marine Corps"
"150: Walter Reed Army Institute Research"