In addition to the Document Id tab, the Route Log displays the Actions Taken, Pending Action Requests, and Future Action Requests tabs that enable you to view the document’s routing information. Each provide columns of information related to workflow actions and the users and groups involved. Show buttons allow you to view more information, and some data displayed in table cells is underlined to indicate it functions as a hyperlink to allow you to “drill down” to view even more details.
Figure 138 Additional tabbed sections within the Route Log tab display the actions previously taken, pending and future actions requested.
Table 48 Route Log Action Tabs Definition
Tab |
Description |
Actions Taken |
The Actions Taken tab displays the history of workflow actions on the e-doc. The tab shows what action was taken, who took the action, and the time and date the action was taken.
Pending Action Requests |
The Pending Action Requests tab displays the next action to be taken and reveals more detailed routing information about this request.
Future Action Requests |
The Future Action Requests tab appears in the Route Log for a document. Once a document is ‘Saved’ or ‘‘ENROUTE’’ this section shows the action requests that Workflow generates in the future based on the information currently on the document. As a document routes and users take action on it the Future Action Requests section updates to show only those requests that have not yet been made by Workflow. Once a document reaches ‘FINAL’ (or ‘PROCESSED’) status in workflow this section becomes blank as there are no future requests left to display.
Table 49 Route Log Action Tabs Column Definition
Column |
Description |
Click the show button to expand the display and “drill down” into the action details, and further to view the requestor details, and again to see the workflow system details. |
Action |
The Action field indicates whether the document is in that user or workgroup’s action list or if it is pending their approval. Action requests of 'PENDING APPROVE' mean Workflow has identified other approval actions needed at this route level, but has not actually sent the document for these requests yet. Workflow routing rules have a priority attribute that determines the order in which it sends action requests. |
Taken By |
Drilldown link to view user details for the person who took the action. |
For Delegator |
The For Delegator field shows the name of the person on whose behalf the Delegator has acted. |
Requested Of |
The Requested Of field displays the user name or the workgroup based on the business rule set for the document being routed. Click the workgroup link to identify members of the workgroup. One of the members of this workgroup must approve the document to route it to the next step. |
Time/Date |
The time and date of the action or request. |
Annotation |
The annotation appears in the Route Log tab. Routing Annotation is a part of Workflow and contains workflow system generated messages. |